

Do you ever go through life wondering if you have been in that particular situation/place and mind set before? like you have been frozen in time and even the smells are nostalgic?  everything around you is moving slowly and making you feel like this has all happened already? some days, I won't say most because that would be too much, but some days are so like this it scares me. I can be out with my kids and ill pass an open window on someones house and I can smell the furniture polish,the washing powder &even the faint smell from where they have hovered that morning and suddenly all those smells take me back to a memory I'd have rather forgotten about. You stand exactly where you are for that split second because you can't always put your finger on where it was you were all that time ago..then it floods back. Its not always bad, it doesn't always fill you with dread, sometimes you smile and remember that what had happened that day had been hap
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